product review: boots botanics ionic clay mask

back in february i received the boots botanics ionic clay mask in my j'adore voxbox from influenster. if you haven't heard about influenster before, it's a cool program that allows you to fill out product surveys or review products on their website. the more you do on the website, the higher your score can climb and allow you to qualify for special programs, such as a voxbox. you can find my initial review of the j'adore voxbox here.

when i first received this item in my box, my first reaction was that i would try it once and then never use it again. i have a confession, i am not an avid skin care enthusiast. i use an exfoliant daily in the shower but that tends to be the end of my routine. i have been pretty lucky my entire life with skin that did not require a lot of maintenance. since becoming so interested in beauty blogs however, i'm beginning to find my attitude changing as i learn more about skin care and the types of products out there. i decided to give this product a shot as a result.

the boots botanics ionic clay mask shine away says that it "activitely removes impurities and deeply cleanses". the description on the back reads "oceanic minerals help draw out deep-rooted impurities and oil without overdrying. skin is left clearer, softer and smoother." let's see.. 

if you read my initial j'adore voxbox review, i mentioned that it seemed as though the consistency was a little funky. that was fixed simply just by shaking the bottle for a good minute. when you first apply the mask, it comes out as the darker green color you can see on the right of my face. it's a little lighter than i would have taken it to be, but it begins to dry within 30 seconds of touching your face. 

wow! i had not realized how much my skin had needed a treatment like this until i had finished applying the mask to my face. now i should preface it by saying that about a week ago, i had a pretty bad sunburn on my face that dried it up quite a bit. i had been using my daily face cleanse but clearly this was something that i had really needed! just those blackheads alone- yikes!

after about 8-10 minutes, i washed it off with hot water. i have to say- i am VERY impressed! my skin is noticeably softer and clearer, especially in the nose-area which definitely needed it. my face still feels a little tight but honestly i'm enjoying the fresh feeling it's providing me. i will definitely be adding this mask to at least a monthly skin care routine.

now while i received this product for free from influenster for testing purposes, this clay mask retails for $9.39 and can be found at target. i think this is a good price considering the amount of product it comes with and how little you truly need to use each time. you can also check it out here on the boots' website, and according to the other reviews of the product, i am not the only one who loved it!

has anyone else had a chance to try this mask? what are some similar products you are loving right now?

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